Is typedef char BUFFER[20] legal?

Christopher R Volpe volpe at
Sat Feb 9 00:18:57 AEST 1991

In article <23128 at netcom.COM>, avery at netcom.COM (Avery Colter) writes:
|>(Array names are not strictly objects, right? Like a pointer, a direct
|> reference to it yields an address value, but unlike a pointer the
|> array name's value itself cannot be changed.)

Actually, array names do in fact refer to objects, that is, they are
unmodifiable lvalues. In most contexts, a reference to it is
converted to an address value (i.e. pointer to first element), but this 
doesn't occur if it is the operand of '&' or 'sizeof' or the
left operand of '='.
Chris Volpe
G.E. Corporate R&D
volpecr at

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