A question on Function declaration

Georg Wittig wittig at gmdzi.gmd.de
Thu Feb 14 01:34:38 AEST 1991

joshi at motcid.UUCP (Abhay B. Joshi) writes:

>I would like to  declare a function which returns a pointer to a function
>(that returns an integer).

Script started on Wed Feb 13 15:28:05 1991
% cdecl
declare x as pointer to function returning pointer to function returning int
int (*(*x)())()
script done on Wed Feb 13 15:28:39 1991

Georg Wittig   GMD-Z1.IT   P.O.Box 1240 | "Freedom's just another word
D-W-5205 St. Augustin 1	   (Germany)	|  for nothing left to lose"
email:		wittig at gmdzi.gmd.de	| (from "Me and Bobby McGee",
telephone:	(+49) 2241 14-2294	|  Janis Joplin, Kris Kristofferson)

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