<stdarg.h>, GNU GCC

Steven F. LeBrun lebrun at LL.MIT.EDU
Wed Feb 13 00:55:44 AEST 1991

I would like to thank all the people who responded to my questions about <stdarg.h>.
It turned out that when I looked through the header files supplied by GNU GCC I
failed to find <stdarg.h> which was in the /usr/local/lib/gcc-include directory.

My version of <stdarg.h> didn't work in all cases because it did not use a 
function called __builtin_savereg().  By using the header file supplied by GNU GCC,
all my variable argrument problems went away.

My one supprise is that GCC did not automatically search its own directory of
standard header files.  I had to use the `-I/usr/local/lib/gcc-include' for GCC
to be able to find its own <stdarg.h>.  Does anyone know if this is normal for

Thanks again for all the help.

| Steven F. LeBrun                    MIT Lincoln Laboratory, Group 91     |
|                                         Millstone Hill Radar             |
| lebrun at ll.mit.edu (Internet)            Westford, MA 01886               |
| lebruns at betel     (internal)    Phone:(617)-981-5742, FAX:(617)-981-5636 |

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