Efficiency Question

Christopher R Volpe volpe at camelback.crd.ge.com
Wed Feb 27 00:39:00 AEST 1991

In article <1991Feb26.042023.2097 at grebyn.com>, ckp at grebyn.com
(Checkpoint Technologies) writes:
|>rg2c+ at andrew.cmu.edu (Robert Nelson Gasch) writes:
|>>Since C gives you the opportunity to condense statements, I was wondering
|>>what difference to the compiler these 'shortcuts' make. 
|>>   x = x + 1;           can become
|>>   x += 1;              which can be further condensed to
|>>   x++;

Just wanted to point out that "x += 1" cannot be condensed to "x++", but
rather to "++x".
Chris Volpe
G.E. Corporate R&D
volpecr at crd.ge.com

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