DS != SS in Turbo C 2.0 etc etc etc

H. David Bonnett bonnett at seismo.CSS.GOV
Tue Feb 12 04:12:57 AEST 1991

brando at uicsl.csl.uiuc.edu (Brandon Brown) writes:
|> bonnett at seismo.CSS.GOV (H. David Bonnett) writes:
<My message about inappropriate posts for this group deleted>
|>Is it such a bother to NOT read the articles?I don't see how you would expect
|>people to change newsgroups in the middle of a thread. It started as a TurboC
|>memory models question. Where else would you post it?The hardware type group?
|> Intel discussion group? I use TurboC with DOS, and cc/gcc with Unix. I think
|> it is helpful to know of the problems (current or future) that one may run
|> into while programming in the two environments....
|> I guess my question to the group would be, So what? Just don't read the
|> articles; especially if it bothers you that much...

Well, I personally would post it to the ibm-pc.programmers hierarchy; just
like I would post Mac specific questions to the MAC groups, NOT HERE. 

 This is why we go to all of the trouble of creating different groups for
different topics and interests. I do not feel that Intel segment register
questions are relevant to me and you probably would not feel that Mac memory 
manager quirks were relevant to you. So learn the concepts of News and use
the structure as it was intended...
Notice the Followup To: line; That is how I would expect people to move the
discussion.. The point is that Turbo C memory models don't belong here at all.


dave bonnett; Center for Seismic Studies, Arlington,VA bonnett at seismo.css.gov

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