YACC gramar for SQL

Jesus Eugenio Sanchez py198723 at academ01.mty.itesm.mx
Sat Feb 9 07:22:50 AEST 1991

In comp.lang.c you write:

>I'm looking for YACC parser source code for ANSI SQL.
>Has anyone seen such a beast?

	I've asked the same question in this newsgroup, and in 
bit.listserv.sqlinfo, and I haven't got any answers. Seems that we'll
have to do it ourselves. I have the ORACLE documentation to start from

>Please reply via e-mail.
	If anybody wants to join us, e-mail Tom or me, at py198723 @
academ01.mty.itesm.mx, or jsanchez at roxette.mty.itesm.mx.

			Eugenio Sanchez

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