How to get the time...

Sorcerer rmacgreg at
Mon Feb 18 20:31:39 AEST 1991

I'm trying to get the time and date using the ctime() function, but I've come
up against a rather large problem...  Ctime() expects a long int as an
argument, but the manual doesn't say how or where you get this long int from.

The manual gives:

     char *ctime(clock)
     long *clock;

     ctime() converts a long integer, pointed to by clock,  to  a
     26-character  string  of the form produced by asctime() . It
     first breaks down clock to a struct  tm  by  calling  local-
     time(),  and  then calls asctime() to convert that struct tm
     to a string.

Which is no help whatsoever.

If it makes any difference I am on a Sun workstation running Un!x...

       The Sorcerer is 'Only visiting this planet' but can be found at:

             JANET: cadx862 
                    rmacgreg at
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          or second star to the right and straight on 'till morning.

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