Who should close the file descriptor?

Zack C. Sessions session at uncw.UUCP
Wed Feb 27 05:22:58 AEST 1991

dxl2585 at cs.rit.edu (Derek X Lee-Wo) writes:

>In article <27C4E07F.6689 at maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca> ce3wa3bh at maccs.dcss.mcmaster.ca (Eric Ho) writes:
>>In my progam, two process are spawned, what this two processes doing is
>>the parent process write a message to the pipe, and the child process
>>read the message from the pipe.  After the parent process finished writting,
>>should I close the pipe write end file descriptor immediately, or leave this
>>to the child.

>When the child process is spawned, it inherits an identical set of file
>descriptors as the parent. 

This actually is machine/compiler dependent. While true in UNIX, it
is not necessarily true with all implementations of C. Not being
familiar with ANSI C, maybe this is in ANSI C?

Zack Sessions

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