Pattern-matching source code

Rich Salz rsalz at
Sat Feb 16 03:18:47 AEST 1991

In <1991Feb14.143705.3911 at> gordon at (John Gordon) writes:
|/***********  MATCH.C  ************************  Listing 1  ***********
| * Author:    Allen I. Holub
| * Function:  A group of subroutines to find a substring represented
| *            by a grep-like regular expression in a second string.
|typedef enum action     /* These are put in the pattern string  */ {
|                        /* to represent metacharacters.         */
|    M_BOL    = ( 0x80 | '^' ),  M_EOL   = ( 0x80 | '$' ),
|typedef unsigned char pattern;  /* pattern strings are unsigned char */

Note that this code assumes 7bit chars.  It won't work with extended alphabets,
or even on a PC where you could have graphics characters.
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