Funny mistake
Checkpoint Technologies
ckp at
Wed Feb 27 11:00:00 AEST 1991
In article <wolfram.667581530 at cip-s05> wolfram at (Wolfram Roesler) writes:
>What I wanted to write was:
> if (fct(a,b,c))
>but by mistake I wrote:
> if (fct(a,b),c)
Well, if fct had had a non-varadic prototype in scope, then the compiler
would have rejected it. If it had had a varadic prototype (variable
number of arguments) then you still would be in bad luck.
Lint would have warned you about it if c were actually a constant
Otherwise, yep, that's one of the curves C can throw.
First comes the logo: C H E C K P O I N T T E C H N O L O G I E S / /
\\ / /
Then, the disclaimer: All expressed opinions are, indeed, opinions. \ / o
Now for the witty part: I'm pink, therefore, I'm spam! \/
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