June 1991 Archives by thread
Starting: Sat Jun 1 00:08:43 AEST 1991
Ending: Sun Jun 30 19:57:03 AEST 1991
Messages: 851
- to "OR" or not to "OR"
Ed Nilges
- How do you turn off terminal echo from within C under UNIX?
Steve Sandke
- Needed: a public domain regular expression interpreter
Henry Spencer
- Finding/changing max memory size available
Stanley Friesen
- pointer size
Blair P. Houghton
- Compiler test suite
Natasha Oza
- Can pre-ANSI C Preprocessor handle symbolic constants in strings?
Brumley David M
- time(0L) - I'm sorry, I can't resist
j chapman flack
- Does anyone know why this is crashing??
Brian Fennell
- I need help with this structure loop(?)
der Mouse
- Is there a NULL pointer to functions?
der Mouse
- complex data manipulation
der Mouse
- time(0L) - history of a misconception (was Re: SCO password generator)
Andre van Dalen
- NaN's (was Re: FLOATING NULL?)
Henry Spencer
- Changes to Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on comp.lang.c
Steve Summit
- trigraphs
Garrett Wollman
- sleep on MSC.
Warren Burstein
- Thanks, all!
Roy M. Silvernail
- FAQ Message
Geoff Baskwill
Michael Yokoyama
- Difference between C and C++
Kamal Shaker, Student Vax Cluster, La Trobe Uni, Australia.
- Simulating a file system in memory
Beni Ruef
- Question about Lex
Simon Parsons
- Scrabble games (DAWG construction)
Graham Wheeler
- "Embedded Prolog" in C code
Shankar Unni
- Question about assertion macro
Don McCrady
- Coherent operating system
Shawn Blair
- THINK C/C++ Book wanted
Ralph Gonzalez
- Simple question on MSC 4.0
G Vickers
- Porting C programs from a SPARC (SUN OS 4.1.1) to a VAX (VMS)
Robert Angelino
- Calling C functions from within Fortran.
Ranjan S Muttiah
- Non-Portable pointer assignment?
Roy M. Silvernail
- input to a function
Roy Johnson
- Machine readable form of K+R.
Eric Rescorla
- fflush()? fscanf() fgets() problem.
Darwin Ling
- long long
Kirk Hays
- How do you swap strings?
Glenn Ford
Matt Campbell
- C Language a HOAX!
Steve Timpson
- virtual operators
Michael Hoennig
- Looking for a program to produce flow charts of C source
Peter Palmer
Michael Hoennig
- C language book recommendations
- Evaluation of if's
J H Woodyatt
- Memor fault, Core dump
Wolfram Roesler
- hash table library routines
Ian G Batten
- help with strcat
Glenn Ford
- Digital Switching Code (need ideas)
Bil Madden
- GeTUGether '91
Tim Gentry
- Public vs Private header files
Michael Hoennig
- Sorting Structures
Joe Huffman
- Where are mkptypes and cproto?
Philip R. Thompson
- FORTRAN77 code to C
Christian Dreyer
- More On Shared Memory Problem
Ken Staggers
- microsoft c
Bob Beaulieu
- Most likely cause of symptoms
Alec Sharp
- main return value
cschmidt at lynx.northeastern.edu
- Short circuit evaluation/expression rearrangement (2nd summary)
Jonathan Gingerich
- Harbison & Steele III errata
Stephen Vinoski
- Comments on CASE tools and integrated development packages?
Steve Anderson
- help with command-line arguements in Vax C
Dave Rackley
- space allocation for sprintf()
Martin Weitzel
- exploding software
John Allen on wsl
- Microsoft/Borland C/C++
house ron
- ** Some Help Please **
Eize Oosting
- test
yoav gonen
- Need help with accessing mouse in Turbo C
Dr. Tom Cheatham
- problems with scanf() and gets()
Chris Riley 201 564-2516
- TC++, TC++ Pro and Borland C++
coates at uc780.umd.edu
- Writing a data-base...
Andy Bereson
- WHY is this crashing???!!!
Pat Rankin
- Too Many Files Open Error During Shared Memory Attach
Sean Landis
- Looking for a parser
- gcc, time.h include file, (difftime), "A Book on C",...
Abed M. Hammoud
- Writing Software
Daniel L'Hommedieu
- Source code for base conversions?
Jeff Hartkopf
- Finding the ROM BIOS ID number
cford at triton.unm.edu
- THANKS (MSC 4.0 linker wooes)
G Vickers
- Overcoming delay thru use of keyboard buffer
Bob Beauchaine
- AMIGA: Help with windows
Jason Trimble
- Getting VGA [SVGA] Colors in BC++ or C or whatever
The Chuckmeister
- system() memory usage in Turbo C
Francis Moraes
- soliciting ideas on a large struct/union strategy
Phil Howard KA9WGN
- Borland C++ binary header file
Martin Gaeckler
- keystroke
Roy Johnson
- Anybody know any large embedded real-time programs in C or C++?
webster.henr801c at XEROX.COM
- source of_C: A Software Engineering Approach_
Heien-Kun Chiang
- Increment Counters in declaration or in loop? (style question)
Doron Meyer
- C Compiler Test/Exerciser
Joseph Francis
- Matrix Inversion routine
- What PC to buy for programming under windows w/Turbo C
Levin F Magruder
- Help again: output to port
Staff-Jinghong _ Li
- C -> Ada translator info request
Elizabeth T. Hobbs
- Help: how to output to a port such as a RS232?
Scott J Brickner
- time functions
Lisa A. Johnson
- Russian font for Turbo C
John Gordon
- WANTED: tutorial/doc on C-DEBUGGER
Chris Kiessling
- Reading in char from command line problem
Robert Gottlieb
- Fuzzy Logic Programming
- C Programmer needed.. Spokane, Wa Area
Steven Poling
- ANSI Lint; e.g. Flexelint
Ian Cottam
- Intel 386 C
Nico de Vries
- Wanted...
Paul Tomblin
- Bison/YACC grammars
Ron I. Herman
- Writing C programs for windows.
William Bishop
- c2latex program...
Abed M. Hammoud
- ANSI/STD C test suites
Tin Le
- newlines in waterloo c
Gerald Strom
- strcat(foo,NULL) core dumps on Ultrix
Norman Diamond
- Getting VGA [SVGA] Colors in BC++
Jarppe Lansio
- How can I compile an .SQC file in the PWB?
Gregor Pfeifer
- time functions resolved
Lisa A. Johnson
- VGA_question
- Running long memory intensive programs!
Keith Bierman fpgroup
- how to read non-ascii keys
Shiping Zhang
- g++ (question:what is it?)
Michael Thomas
- Need help in <varargs.h>
Will Crowder
- Finding an Absolute address in 386
Espino, Jose Luis
- need help with large arrays & Turbo C
terry at joshua.math.ucla.edu
- Logical operations on strings.....
Peter W. Morreale
- Read from extended keypad?
Junior Physicist
- Reading extended keys
Junior Physicist
- Help w/Plotting a circle...
David Conrad
- cc68k gnu crosscompiler SPARC/68k20 exits w signal 11
Trygg A. Eliassen
- Cscape and different compilers
Martin Hansson
- simulate VGA on HERC using BGI driver
SRGXNBS at grace.dsir.govt.nz
- array side-effect
PRD3 at psuvm.psu.edu
- when to fflush ?
Stephen Clamage
- Spawning a DOS child process
The Bill Man
- passing address of floating-point parameter
Dale Worley
- what means "multiply defined" ?
Marc Ph. A. J. St.-Gil
- Global and Extern Pointers, Arrays
Sundar Balasubramanian
- apology about if-statements
pgheit01 at ulkyvx.bitnet
- Practical C/C++ Guidelines Wanted
Doug Salot
Pawel Mario Szymkiewicz
- Prototyping Question
Kevin Grover
- array side-effect thankyou
PRD3 at psuvm.psu.edu
- help(segment overflowed)
NYK100 at psuvm.psu.edu
- Writing WIN Apps w/ TC++, diff. between TC++ and C++
Michael David Carr
- Source code for data compression -- wanted
William H Hsu
- Turbo C++ Proffesional forsale
William Moxley
- declaring defines.
D'Arcy J.M. Cain
- Wanted: C source for cc and cl (ftp?)
hh2x at vax5.cit.cornell.edu
- How to build up a database ?
DEE Tomas Pihl
- Byte order in tightly coupled system.
Andy Newman
- Public Key Encryption
Jan-Piet Mens
- Trouble at EOF
David Tanguay
- permutation generation ?
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Question: C compiler for Tandem?
Chris howard
- private static
Michael Hoennig
- Working with C++ on Huge Proje
Michael Hoennig
- looking for guttman scaling algorithm
min-woong sohn
- Request: C/C++ and Ada Interoperability Experience
Laura Veith
- how do I clear stdin buffer
der Mouse
- Variable arguments to & from functions.
der Mouse
- LL(1) C grammar
Dr. Jon Mauney
- Microsoft C 6.0 graphics library
Christopher K. Brown
- Good book on C++
Shane Bouslough
- post-decrement quirk?
Stephen Clamage
- Delta-VLC Coded Curve data
john f andrews ece
- Pointer Stew (was Re: Explanation, someone??)
Samuel Kamens
- Help: Output to RS232 ports
Tom Green
- volatile keyword - what does it mean?
Steve Summit
- brk(),sbrk() question
Richard A. O'Keefe
- typedef struct a_name list_type[MAX];
Boyd Roberts
- decalring large arrays
J. Horsmeier
- toupper, isupper.., and the flamewar in comp.binaries.ibm.pc.d
Doug McDonald
- get arguments ..
Binod K. Taterway
- Summary of responses to prior art on "long long" type
Kirk Hays
- Teaching C as first programming language
Francesco Di Tolla
- Portability question for structures.
Doug Olson
- placing output of printf in memory: formatting strings
Zack C. Sessions
- HELP: _BSS : segment/group exceeds 64k
Thor Hovden
Uma Krishnan
- C puzzle
T.C. Zhao
- Does TC's farrealloc have a bug?
Richard Kooijman
- Microsoft C: Reading binary files.
vivanco at ciit85.ciit.nrc.ca
- Borland C++ bug?
house ron
- Problem with cc on Cray
Dave Harris
- Suggestions on C books
Chokchai Leangsuksun
- GCC for MC96002?
Peter Holzer
- SUMMARY: Date to DOW Conversion
Mark Turner
- Help W/Plotting a circle II
William Bishop
- strcmp
Dan Bernstein
- problem with /define in VAX C: help!
Daniel Elbaum
- Suggestions for SPEC 3.0 CPU Performance Evaluation Suite
David G. Hough on validgh
- How to implement these loops ...
- Can analysis detect undefined expressions?
Dave Harris
- log function
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Structure Initialization using void *
Bryant Eastham
- ANSI CPP string concatenation
Bruce W. Mohler
- C Mailing Lists
Brian N. Popkin
- hash function for mac needed
Rich Salz
- Constructing Variable arguments...
Eric A. Anderson
- TC++ & DeskJet+ graphics programming: can't print '\x1a' !!??
Frank van der Hulst
- malloc(0) not equal NULL?
Phillip Lindsay
- C un-compiler ?
William Anthony Barry
- Random Num generator giving longs (MS C)?
Chris H
- Help needed with: sizeof (struct a)
der Mouse
- Calling TP functions from TC
Jai Braatz
- const methods
Michael Hoennig
- reading from a tty
Jonas Heyman
- Converting numbers between decimal /binary
Greg Montgomery
- balancing free() and malloc()
Balakrishna Raghunath
- Tradition Lisp code formatting
....What Is?....
- Bit Masking Question
Hopelessly in love w/Donna Reed
- Free sh script to improve on "*core dumped" (UNIX only)
Ian Cottam
- WANTED: C-> flow graph converter
Anand Sathe
- How to separate numbers in three-digit groups in C
Hopelessly in love w/Donna Reed
- Best way to contact Borland about bugs?
Ryan Tanner
- best way to share structs between modules?
Blair P. Houghton
- #define problem
Dave Giunti
- Call Graph Constructor for c
Richard A. O'Keefe
- how to write hash function for double
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Help with gnuchess source
Dave Giunti
- Embedded SQL
Daniel Tietze
- TC20.0 to BC++?
Kevin Pollard
- RSA Algorithm
courtney at uctvax.uct.ac.za
- C manual
Charles Herrick
- macors and semicolons
Doug Gwyn
- Date to Day-of-Week Conversion (Question)
Jeff Newberry
- Porting Cfront's output to other systems.
Dave Jones
- fscanf(), fgets(), fflush() problem
Robert Earl
- Prototypes local or global opinions wanted
Blair P. Houghton
- Accessing a printer port
Jochen Wolters
- CORRECTION: Date to DOW Conversion
Mark Turner
- Strange curses problem
David Cook
- What Data Structure?
Dale Worley
- Dealing with pointer freaks
M. P. Gerlek
- C grammar/parser
Daniel A. Reed
- Circumspect programming (was: Evaluation of if's)
Chris Torek
- if this legal code?
Andrew Davidson
- fread portability summary
- static, const, struct woes
Richard A. O'Keefe
- Fortran and C performance (was: NAG Fortran 90 announcement)
Alex Martelli
- Heroic failures (q = q++)
Ian Collier
- Niggling problem with enumerated types in Turbo C++
Christopher R Volpe
- hash function
Dik T. Winter
- Need greater precision
Bill Hanrahan
- external definition problems...
Kelly J. Grant
- is this array access portable?
Ganesh Baliga
- How is type **********p implemented?
Henry Spencer
- TC++ bug?
michael "krill-man" lee
- Explanation, someone??
Fred Christiansen
- FORTRAN type I/O in C - Help!
- To Longcheng Tsai
Harry E Miller
Mathias Koerber
- Failure INSIDE malloc() ??
Daniel Jimenez
- macros and semicolons
- Are definitions evaluated in order?
Ross Williams
- Bug fix for Turbo C ?
Chris Dollin
- stdin and the keyboard
Lloyd Kremer
- Beautiful side-effects! (q = q++)
Rodney Radford
- methods for putting labels into your software?
- const struct -- what does exactly mean?
Stephen R. van den Berg
- Context Help Libraries
Adrian Collins
- Need help compiling
Brian VanVoorst
- Is this a valid ANSI program?
David Tanguay
- ansi C --> old style c converter - info wanted
Dave Lewicki
- Functions using malloc (style)
The Grey Wolf
- ANSI C and typedef of function types
- Detecting if a file is busy
Bob Fisher
- HELP! Need *detailed* list of Microsoft C 5.1 -> 6.0 changes
Lloyd Kremer
- argv[] terminated by a NULL pointer?
David Brooks
- fread() portability problem
der Mouse
- TC++ Farmalloc -- the definitive answer
Mike Percy
- Language Conversion Utilities
Meade Roberts
- Malloc'ing > 64kb
Paul Kronenwetter
- BORLAND C++/TURBO C Timing Routine in M.S. Accuracy
qmeng at sirius.UVic.CA
- Require information about CodeBase++
ANTONELLI michael a.
- Why?
John S. Price
- Wanted: string matching routine
der Mouse
- include files -- help needed
der Mouse
- %f
Brian Fennell
- Looking for a book
- Portable mini-vfprintf?
Chris Torek
- gcc warning about sccsid[]/rcsid[] not being used
Christos S. Zoulas
- Initializing complex structured arrays: HOW?
Geoff C Wing
- Bug fix for Turbo C
Richard A. O'Keefe
Last message date:
Sun Jun 30 19:57:03 AEST 1991
Archived on: Mon Feb 1 19:33:36 AEST 2016
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Pipermail 0.09 (Mailman edition).