Memory allocation / data access
Harry Protoolis - Sun EHQ
harry at
Sat Mar 16 03:47:33 AEST 1991
You might be better of using pointers instead of constantly dereferencing array
cartesian *a_atom, b_atom;
for (a_atom = monomer[i].atom, k = 0; k < natoms; k++, a_atom++) {
for (b_atom = monomer[j].atom, l = 0; l < natoms; l++, b_atom++) {
xdis = a_atom->x - b_atom->x;
ydis = a_atom->y - b_atom->y;
zdis = a_atom->z - b_atom->z;
Your allocation looks alright to me, though if you're allocating largish arrays
on a smallish system (e.g. > 64K on a PC) you might be better off using a
linked list. Oh, and why do you use malloc the first time and calloc the
next ?, as they are both array allocations you should, strictly speaking, be
using calloc for both.
if ((monomer = (solvent *) calloc (nmol, sizeof (solvent *)))==NULL)
|> typedef struct {
|> double x;
|> double y;
|> double z;
|> } cartesian;
|> typedef struct {
|> cartesian *atom;
|> } solvent;
|> solvent *monomer;
|> /* Allocate the necessary storage */
|> if ((monomer = (solvent *) malloc (nmol * sizeof (solvent *)))==NULL)
|> exit(1);
|> for (i = 0; i < nmol; i++)
|> if ((monomer[i].atom = (cartesian *) calloc (natoms,sizeof(cartesian)))==NULL)
|> exit(1);
|> /* check components */
|> for (k = 0; k < natoms; k++) {
|> for (l = 0; l < natoms; l++) {
|> xdis = fabs (monomer[i].atom[k].x - monomer[j].atom[l].x);
|> ydis = fabs (monomer[i].atom[k].y - monomer[j].atom[l].y);
|> zdis = fabs (monomer[i].atom[k].z - monomer[j].atom[l].z);
|> }
|> }
(smart Internet mailers) harry.protoolis at
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