Funny mistake
Larry Campbell
campbell at
Mon Mar 25 13:47:00 AEST 1991
In article <1991Mar21.021504.25553 at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> gsh7w at astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Hennessy) writes:
-2) Experiance [sic] has shown that having lint seperate [sic] from the compiler
-means that many people would not use it.
Having lint separate from the compiler means we can use lint to check our
code for all platforms, regardless of how benighted their compilers are. We
ship code on five platforms, none of which are UNIX. Yet we keep our master
source libraries in RCS on a UNIX box, for two reasons: RCS and lint,
neither of which have decent equivalents on the platforms we build products
Around here, it is considered *extremely* bad form to check code in to RCS
that hasn't passed lint.
Larry Campbell The Boston Software Works, Inc., 120 Fulton Street
campbell at Boston, Massachusetts 02109 (USA)
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