A quick question...

Amateurgrammer eychaner at suncub.bbso.caltech.edu
Thu Mar 14 03:41:54 AEST 1991

cc100aa at prism.gatech.EDU (Ray Spalding) writes:
>eychaner at suncub.bbso.caltech.edu writes:
>>unsigned char *arrayptr;
>>    else if (type == SHORT) {
>>        *(short *)arrayptr++ = othervalue();  /* Declared elsewhere */
>I think what you want here is:
>	*((short *)arrayptr)++ = othervalue();
Yup.  This one is what I meant.  Accidentally lost a set of parentheses
when I copied this in...oops...and no one else noticed!
Glenn Eychaner - Big Bear Solar Observatory - eychaner at suncub.bbso.caltech.edu
"...this morning's unprecedented solar eclipse is no cause for alarm."
                                                               -_Flash Gordon_

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