Small introspective program
Richard A. O'Keefe
ok at
Thu Mar 14 14:33:25 AEST 1991
[About the hack for including a command to compile itself in a C program.]
Many years ago Tom Duff wrote a nifty little program called "com";
David Tilbrook added some options, and I later added another.
com [-c$Escape] [-n] [-o | -x] file...
The program searches each file in turn for a comment
/*% <command> \n
where % is the Escape chacter (which defaults to "%"). Any Escape
character occurring in the file is replaced by the file name from the
command line. Then
- if the -o flag appeared, the command is written to stdout, or
- if the -x flag appeared, the command is written to stderr
- if the -n flag did NOT appear, the command is given to system().
So the "com" program itself starts with a comment
/*% cc -o com -O %
In an AWK script, one could have
#/*% awk -f %
When 'make' come around I gradually stopped using 'com'.
> ! #ifdef notdef /*
> > cc $0 -g -o `basename $0 .c` -Ineeded-includes -lneeded-libraries
> ! exit
> + */
> > #endif notdef
If you want to use the "shell-in-C" trick, though, it can be simplified:
#if 0 /*
exec cc -g -o `basename $0 .c` -Ineeded-includes $0 -lneeded-libraries
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