Simple atof() question

Brendan Kehoe brendan at
Wed Mar 20 04:17:19 AEST 1991

In <1214 at>, armstron at writes:
>How can I get atof() to return a float instead of a double? 
>When I run this simple program I get n = 37.549999 instead of
>n = 37.55.  What am I doing wrong?
>n = (float) atof(buf);
>printf("n = %f\n",n);

  I have a feeling it's got something to do with the way printf takes
  its argument .. notice if ya do
	printf("n = %.2f\n", n);
  you do get 37.55.

     Brendan Kehoe - Widener Sun Network Manager - brendan at
  Widener University in Chester, PA                A Bloody Sun-Dec War Zone
 Now that we know he has ID, we could give him an account. finger bush at cs....

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