Algorithms, libraries, and comp.lang.c
Garry Garrett
garry at
Sat Mar 2 10:55:24 AEST 1991
In article <MACRAKIS.91Feb28093428 at>, macrakis at (Stavros Macrakis) writes:
> This is a group to discuss the language C. Appropriate topics would
> seem to be:
> [...]
> On the other hand, many questions on this newsgroup have to do with
> things that have NO direct relationship with the language C, namely:
> Unix libraries
> Unix system calls
> algorithms
> Although there is some gray area around libraries, I do not see any
> reason that algorithmic questions should be discussed in a C
> newsgroup, unless it's some algorithm very closely related to using
> special features of C and standard libraries (e.g. setjump hacking or
> funny function pointer manipulations) or an algorithm that works on C
> program text (e.g. a lexical analyzer).
> Could we please keep such queries OUT of this group?
> Thanks
> -s
And -S said "Let there be light", and there was light.
And -S said "No, I meant, Bud Light!" and there was much rejoicing.
(Seemed kind of fitting, now that you have appointed yourself God.
BTW, deities names are always capitalized).
Most Unix library functions are also availible on other C compilers,
as are most Unix system calls. It would not be a bad idea for others to
read this info, for if the system call does not exist on there system,
then they could write one. This is what's called an exchange of ideas. It
helps to build de-facto standards, which are often better than no standards
at all. As for algorithms, I don't recall ANY newsgroup that is more appropriate
for C algorithms unless they are VERY machine specific (Like "how do I do
VGA graphics on an IBM PC..."). There is no comp.lang.c.bugs as far as I know.
Where else is a C programmer to turn to for help. I realize it is no one's
responisbility to help the struggling programmer, but certainly you can be
a bit more compasionate then this non-thinking "Get off MY newsgroup!" sort
of attitude. If you have no pity for the struggling programmer, the least
that you can do is ignore him/her.
You must be pretty annal retentive to feel that it is your responsablity
to police this newsgroup. I get very tired of reading posts that are nothing
but a narrow minded individual trying to tell other people how to do their
job. Thank God (or should I say thank you) that I don't have to work for
you! I pitty the people that do.
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