abject apology
Wayne Throop
throopw at sheol.UUCP
Wed Mar 27 01:29:06 AEST 1991
Greg Hennessy sent me email saying
> In article <1494 at sheol.UUCP> you write:
> # [..the nonsense I wrote omitted..]
> Some idiot in this Heinlein flame war set the followup to comp.lang.c.
Imagine my horror at discovering that I'm that idiot. Or at least,
in consulting the audit trail of this event, I can find no other
explanation: apparently a software (or, be honest, a wetware) glitch
redirected my posting. I was cutting and pasting together multiple
posts at the time.
Oh, the embarrassment. Oh, the shame.
Well, maybe that'll learn me to post to flame-threads,
but I'm probably unteachable on the subject.
Sigh. Please accept my sincere apology to the group.
Wayne Throop ...!mcnc!dg-rtp!sheol!throopw
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