Funny mistake

Scott Amspoker scott at bbxsda.UUCP
Fri Mar 22 00:38:37 AEST 1991

In article <1991Mar21.021504.25553 at murdoch.acc.Virginia.EDU> gsh7w at astsun8.astro.Virginia.EDU (Greg Hennessy) writes:
>Doug Gwyn:
>#>In the world of UNIX, we normally rely on "lint" to generate warnings
>#>about *possible* problems like this.  The compilers are expected to
>#>accept conforming translation units and silently translate them.
>1) I said optional flag, so the person who wants silent complations of
>their strictly conforming programs get it, and the person who wants
>warning can have that also.
>I would sugguest that compilers should do lint (after setting a flag)
>as part of their function.
>I know for a fact that many would disagree.

Well I'm not one of them.  I agree completely.  I see no reason to
run a source file through lint prior to the C compiler everytime I
make a change when I could enable certain desireable warning messages
(of mistakes I frequently make) within the compiler.

Scott Amspoker                       | Touch the peripheral convex of every
Basis International, Albuquerque, NM | kind, then various kinds of blaming
(505) 345-5232                       | sound can be sent forth.!bbx!bbxsda!scott   |    - Instructions for a little box that
                                     |      blurts out obscenities.

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