LEXEME's Death
rgc at raybed2.msd.ray.com
Fri Mar 8 23:11:07 AEST 1991
In article <792 at nfsun.UUCP>, tkueny at nfsun.UUCP (Todd Kueny) writes:
> William G. Hutchison writes:
> Are you sure that Lexeme company 'died'? Last I heard, they renamed to
> SEEC and they were still in business.
> No, SEEC ...may have had a relationship
> with LEXEME but I think that they are on their own now.
I heard that Lexeme went bankrupt last spring. The rights to the Lexeme
translator tools and techniques were bought up by the original owner
(who had previously sold the company). Now he owns the technology, but
has no business for which to employ it. Now, that's all rumor.
I called the old Lexeme number last fall, looking for translation help
(or substantiation of the rumors), and was directed to another company.
Lexeme was not in the translation business at that time.
Rick Carle
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