Seeking UniForum Writing Assignments

Shelly Brisbin brisbin at
Sat Dec 29 07:37:34 AEST 1990

I am currently seeking  writing assignments, asociated with the UniForum conference in Dallas, this January.
My writing credits include: coverage of open systems trends, industry analysis, product profiles and general news.
I have served as editor of several industry trade publications, and have contributed to a number of others.

I would like to provide coverage of the UniForum conference to a publication or
interested organization. I am available throughout the conference. Since I am
based in Austin, Texas, I will require little, if any, expense reimbersement.
If interested, please contact me via e-mail. I will be happy to provide clips and/or a resume of my work.
Thanks in advance.
Shelly Brisbin				
Leopard Communication 			
brisbin at

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