Travel UNIFORUM<->USENIX (Re: Dallas shows)

King Ables ables at lot.ACA.MCC.COM
Thu Jan 17 02:36:12 AEST 1991

> It would not be in the USENIX associations
> interests to allow Uniforum attendees free admition, even though the converse
> is obviously true.  Fax that registration in quick!!

Actually it is not.  I assume by "the converse is obviously true"
you mean to imply that Uniforum lets Usenix registrants into its
technical sessions and tutorials for free which they do not do.
They only let them into the trade show.  Usenix has no trade show to
let anybody into for free.

Each January Usenix and Uniforum purposely hold their conference
in the same city during the same week in January so they can "share"
the trade show.  Their summer conferences are different places at
different times so then Usenix has their own (smaller) trade show.

King Ables                    Micro Electronics and Computer Technology Corp.
ables at                 3500 W. Balcones Center Drive
+1 512 338 3749               Austin, TX  78759
We don't inherit the Earth from our parents, we borrow it from our children.

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