/usr/group/chicago meeting

Doug Price price at aicchi.chi.aic.com
Tue Jan 8 03:15:26 AEST 1991

On Tuesday January 15th, 1991, Wyse Technology will be hosting the
/usr/group/chicago UNIX user's group meeting.  The meeting will be held
starting at 7pm at the Indian Lakes conference center in Bloomingdale, and
will last until approximately 9pm.  After a short business meeting,
Mark Reiten from Wyse will speak about the current status of the X-windows
marketplace, focusing on hardware and software products.

Before working for Wyse, Mark came from a systems house background where he
focused on installation and maintenance of networked multi-user business
systems.  During this time, Mark also participated in numerous software 
projects under UNIX, Netware and DOS, using the "C" programming language.
Since coming to Wyse, Mark has participated in the rollout of the new Wyse
line of UNIX based supermicrocomputers and has been involved in the X-Terminal
(WY-X5) product definition.

Wyse will also have on display the Wyse 9000i, and the WY-X5, which is their
new monochrome X-Windows terminal.  The meeting will be followed by
hors d'oeurves and cocktails provided by Wyse.

The Indian Lakes conference center, part of the Indian Lakes resort is at:

	250 West Schick Rd.
	Bloomingdale IL

Exit I-53 south Itasca westbound on Lake Street.  Proceed to
Roselle/Bloomingdale Rd, go south for 1/4 mile to Schick Rd.  Proceed
west 1 mile on Schick Rd. to the Indian Lakes resort.  Please check 
postings there for the room.

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