Dallas shows

Ellie Young ellie at usenix.ORG
Sat Jan 12 05:16:45 AEST 1991

In article <341iV1w163w at wvus.wciu.edu>, pete at wvus.wciu.edu (Pete Gregory) writes:
> Hi - I'm attending Uniforum Dallas in two weeks, and have an exhibitor
> list for Uniforum but not for Usenix.
> Does anyone out there have Usenix's exhibitor list in electronic form that
> can be posted/mailed?
> Pete Gregory, UNIX SA  |  pete at wvus.wciu.edu                  |
> World Vision USA/ISD   |  wciu!wvus!pete                   ___|___
> 919 W. Huntingon Dr.   |  Voice: 818/357-7979 x3347           |
> Monrovia, CA  91016    |  FAX:   818/303-6212                 |
>                                                               |

Dear Pete:

USENIX does not have an exhibition at its Winter Technical
conference.  If you'd like information on exhibiting at
the Summer USENIX Conference in Nashville, please contact
our Exhibition Manager, Cynthia Deno  (cynthia at usenix.org).  

Ellie Young
Exec. Director

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