More on the EUUG Conference Manchester UK September

R.P.A.Collinson pc at
Sun Jul 27 07:38:29 AEST 1986

The European Unix systems User Group presents:

                   EUUG Autumn'1986 Workshop
                   Distributed UNIX Systems

                      Manchester, England
                   22nd-25th September, 1986

The EUUG Autumn'86 Workshop in Manchester will be  focusing  on
technical  presentations and discussions around one theme where
a lot of energy is being spent these days in the UNIX technical
community: distributed UNIX systems and applications.  Actually
the focus will be  much  more  on  the  "system"  than  on  the
"application"   aspects,  due  to  the  nature  of  the  papers
submitted - this may mean  that  there  are  many  more  people
working   on  distributing  UNIX  than  people  actually  using
distributed UNIXes.

Unlike the other "big" EUUG conference, this one will not  have
a  largish  commercial  exhibition  associated with it - but it
will have a Table Top  Exhibition  which  will  be  technically
oriented.  There  will  be  a quite large number of speakers to
give participants a chance  to  present  their  work  and  thus
propose  introductory  material  for  starting  discussions and
exchange of ideas during, or after the sessions (around a glass
of the famous but cheap Manchester Beer).

It should also be a good  opportunity  for  people  wishing  to
learn  more  about  UNIX  to get some feelings about the future
technical  evolutions  of  the  operating  system  and  of  its

Technical Program

The technical program will last three days, from:

	Monday 22 September 1986 at 10.00
	Wednesday 24 September  at 17.30.

Technical  sessions  will   be   dedicated   to:   Design   and
Implementation   of   Distributed  UNIX  Systems,  Interprocess
Communication,  Networking,  Remote  Access  and  Network  File
Servers,  Distributed  File  Systems,  Handling  Heterogeneity,
Multi-Processors  and  Parallel  Computers,   Experience   with
Distributed  Systems,  Operation  of  Distributed Environments,
User Interfaces, Applications using Distributed Environments.

Papers are to be presented by leading  UNIX  personalties  from
most  European  Countries  (Austria,  France,  Germany,  Italy,
Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom) as well as Israel, and the
United States.

Invited speakers  include:  Andrew  Black  from  University  of
Washington  at  Seatle  on  the  EDEN project experience, Peter
Langston  from  Bellcore  on  using  a   "very   heterogeneous"
distributed  environment  for  producing  Music, Jim Lipkis and
Lori Grob from New York University on "ultra"  computers,  Kirk
McKusick  and Mike Karels from UC. Berkeley on new developments
for BSD systems, Robert Van Renesse from  Vrije  University  in
Amsterdam  on  AMOEBA,  Bob  Sidebotham  from  Carnegie  Mellon
University on Large Distributed File Systems,  Avadis  Tevanian
from Carnegie Mellon University on the MACH Project, and Hubert
Zimmermann from  CNET  on  UNIX  and  the  OSI  standardisation

Advanced Tutorials

Thursday 25  September  1986  will  be  dedicated  to  advanced

Two full day tutorials will  take  place  in  parallel  on  the
following subjects:

     + 4.3BSD Topics,

     + System V, Release 3 internals.

They will be presented by the "key" wizards from Berkeley (Mike
Karels  and  Kirk  McKusick)  and  AT&T  (Bob  Ducanson,  Bruce
Richards and Andy Rifkin).


Costs including accomodation and ALL meals  (exclusive  of  15%
VAT tax) are:

     + Workshop: (EUUG members) 200 UK  pounds;  (non  members)
       300 UK pounds.

     + Tutorials: (EUUG members) 100 UK pounds.

For further details and to get the preliminary program  booklet
and registration forms, please contact the EUUG Secretariat:

          Helen Gibbons
          EUUG Secretariat
          Owles Hall
          Buntingford, Herts, SG9 9PL
          Tel: +44 763 73039
          Fax: +44 763 73255
          Net: ...!mcvax!ukc!inset!euug

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