USENIX and South Africa

Melinda Shore shore at mtxinu.COM
Tue Jun 5 11:14:08 AEST 1990

In article <13051 at smoke.BRL.MIL> gwyn at smoke.BRL.MIL (Doug Gwyn) writes:
>I wasn't aware that USENIX membership elected officers to do their
>political, social, or religious thinking and value judgment for them.

How do you make your voting decisions?  I certainly tend not to
vote for politically conservative candidates because issues like
South African participation inevitably do arise.  While I found
Peter's language to be unfortunately fervent (sorry, Peter), the
issue itself is real and I would not like to see it ignored.

>Why don't you stick to functionally relevant business.

The issue is functionally relevant.  Every interaction and transaction
is based on some assumptions and has some effect.  I'm glad to know
that the directors are at least thinking about some of the issues
involved in interacting with other businesses and organizations.  Usenix
does not exist in a vacuum.
Melinda Shore                             shore at
mt Xinu                          ..!uunet!!shore

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