Tiny faces (ftp, FaceSaver, icons)

Steve Kinzler kinzler at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
Sat Apr 6 10:57:56 AEST 1991

All the faces in the Usenix FaceSaver database on uunet are available
via anonymous ftp from iuvax.cs.indiana.edu ( in tiny
48x48 X11 bitmap format.  The file is pub/faces/facesaver.tar.Z (2.3
Megs, about 14 Megs uncompressed).

They're intended to be used as icons with programs such as "faces" or
"vismon" or "xbiff++" which can do things like display a person's face
when you receive mail from them.  The faces software and other faces
goodies are available in the same directory.

There's a script (facesall) in the scripts.tar.Z file that you can run
if you have "perl" and "faces" running on your system to see all the
faces in the FaceSaver database a couple of hundred at a time --
worthwhile if you want to see all the joke faces it contains!

from the brain of Steve Kinzler    /o)\    kinzler at iuvax.cs.indiana.edu
an organ with a mind of its own    \(o/    {ames,rutgers}!iuvax!kinzler

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