2 Panel Sessions at Usenix

Lori Grob grob at chorus.fr
Tue Jan 8 04:42:22 AEST 1991

Usenix is pleased to present two panel sessions which we hope 
you will find interesting and informative. 

	Panel Title: Kernel Directions
	Time: Thursday 11:30 - 12:30

	Micro-kernels: The latest fad or a natural evolution?
	Last years's buzzword was standards, this year's is 
	micro-kernel. If you read the technical press it seems
	that operating systems kernels are evolving from kernels
	which provide all or most of the system services to
	micro-kernels which provide the minimal functionality
	in the kernels itself and look to system servers to
	provide the rest.

	The panel will consider this evolution and discuss, among 
	other issues, whether there really is an evolution taking
	place or is it just hype and is a move toward smaller
	kernels with less functionality technically desireable.
	The panel will attempt elaborate the many pros and cons
	involved in changes to the "architecture" of an
	operating system and to resolve whether the movement
	toward smaller kernels is monotonic.

	The participants are Michel Gien (Chorus systemes),
	Michael Karels (University of California, Berkeley),
	Rob Pike (AT&T Bell Labs.), Michael Powell
	(Sun Microsystems) and Richard Rashid (CMU).
	The panel will be moderated by Marc Donner (IBM Research)

	Panel Title: Distributed File Systems: Hopes, Myths,
		and Realities
	Time: Friday 11:00-12:00

	The panel will consider the adequacy of existing
	distributed file system solutions, focusing on AFS and
	NFS as the leading contenders, and will contrast them
	with leading-edge academic approaches.

	The panel will try to resolve the many controversial
	and provocative issues facing the file systems
	community as it gropes toward near- and
	intermediate-term solutions for this fundamental piece
	of the distributed computing infrastructure.

	The participants are Rafael Alonso(Princeton University)
	 Mike Kazer(Transarc), John Osterhaut (UC Berkeley),
	Brian Palowski(Sun Microsystems) and Rob Pike
	(AT&TBell Labs). The panel will be moderated by
	Peter Honeyman (IFS University of Michigan)

Lori S. Grob
Chorus syste`mes
6 avenue Gustave Eiffel			phone +33-1-30-64-82-17
F78182 Saint Quentin-en-Yvelines	fax   +33-1-30-57-00-66

email grob at chorus.fr
      grob%chorus.fr at uunet.uu.net

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