usr/group changing their name

Peter Renzland peter at ontmoh.UUCP
Fri May 12 18:25:20 AEST 1989

dan at hrc.UUCP (Dan Troxel) writes:
> I have heard that usr/group is considering changing their name. What are
> they changing it to, and WHY?!?

The change has been made.  The new name is UNIFORUM.

The reason is that most people have trouble making sense of a name like

Even Dan Troxel was unable to render the name correctly, and he's a Unix
user.  Not all of the directors, and certainly none of the advertisers
of /usr/group/cdn know what the name is, let alone what it means.  In fact,
some of the /usr/group/cdn don't even know how to pronounce our name.
I have seen about a dozen different corruptions of /usr/group/cdn in 
official publications, including

	User Group Canada

Now, if only /usr/group (pardon me, UNIFORUM) would follow its charter,
and then, if /usr/group/cdn would follow its charter, then we might
have an association by the users, for the users.

Peter Renzland @ Ontario Ministry of Health  416/964-9141  peter at ontmoh.UUCP
/usr/group/cdn Director           /* ugc office: 259-8122  usrgroup at utgpu */

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