Announcing: The Connection Machine Regional Users Group

Ralph Barker ralph at svnet.UUCP
Mon Jul 9 06:57:11 AEST 1990

In article <25342 at>, curtiss at (Phil J. Curtiss) writes:
> Announcing:
>                    The Connection Machine Regional Users Group
>                                      (CMRUG)
> 	The Connection Machine Regional Users Group serving the Washington
> D.C.  and Metropolitan areas is now forming.  ......

There is also an affiliate of UniForum (formerly /usr/group, the organization 
that this newsgroup relates to) in the D.C. area.  You might want to
compare notes with them, or actually merge groups.  

I am posting from home, so I don't have contact information at hand.  You
can, however, contact Van Weathers at the UniForum offices for more info on
the UniForum affiliate group.  Call 408-986-8840, FAX 408-986-1645, or
email to uunet!usrgrp!van if you are interested.  

Ralph Barker:                SVNet, 640 So Winchester Blvd, San Jose,CA 95128
uucp: ...{pyramid, sun, uunet}!amdahl!aleph!svnet!ralph        
         or,     attmail!ralmar!ralph                   Voice: (408) 248-8649

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