Interfacing Eunice I/O redirection and VMS programs

Don Libes libes at nbs-amrf.UUCP
Sun Sep 15 02:35:28 AEST 1985

> Eunice under VMS 3.x doesn't provide this capability, and if it can be
> implemented, it isn't easy.  

Wollongong has an update tape for Eunice 3.2 with an improved "vms"
command that can participate in pipes.  It also supports running
interactive vms programs.

This work was done at Damanet and you may have to get it from them since
I doubt Wollongong is supporting 3.2 systems anymore.  (Not that you
could tell when they did anyway.)

Don Libes	{seismo,umcp-cs}!nbs-amrf!libes

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