foo vs foo.exe

Don Libes libes at nbs-amrf.UUCP
Mon Sep 30 08:34:54 AEST 1985

It seemed that every other time a user ran vnews or readnews from DCL,
the user would be put in a DCL subprocess.  Logging out of the
subprocess would only spawn a new one for the user.  Vnews ran perfectly
fine from Eunice.  

I gave up trying to track down this problem (this is very low priority
in the scheme of things here), but happened to mention it to someone at
Wollongong and he suggested that I try renaming vnews to vnews.exe.  He
offered no explanation.  Incredulously, I tried it and it worked.  The
problem has disappeared.  

Any explanations?

Don Libes	{seismo,umcp-cs}!nbs-amrf!libes

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