Shar files--making leading & trailing stuff into comments

Steve Vance@ex2499 stv at qantel.UUCP
Wed Dec 12 07:40:57 AEST 1984

In article <322 at qantel.UUCP> stv at qantel.UUCP (Steve Vance at ex2499) writes:
> >>--------------- cut here and run the rest through "sh" ---------------
> >
> >It seems to me that if you put colons ":" at the front of all the
> >introductory lines like those above, I could just say "w|sh" to my "rn"
> >prompt...
> >
> From dual!ptsfa!politik!chris Thu Dec  6 21:52:30 1984
> You can always say (in rn) 
>	 | sed 1,/cut/d | sh
> That is easier than going into vi and so on.
> Christopher Seiwald
> dual!ptsfa!politik!chris
Hmm, good idea.  Perhaps shar file posters should include the above
suggestion in the descriptive info of shar file postings, eh?

P.S.: I still think that "w|sh" is easier.  

Steve Vance
Qantel Corporation, Hayward, CA

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