System Monitoring Program (MON)

Jonathan Biggar jonab at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Thu Dec 6 05:34:59 AEST 1984

There are a few problems with the distributed version of the MON
program.  I have made fixes to these problems.

1)  the dualcpu stuff for a dual 780 configuration will not compile
    on a system without the dualcpu hacks.  I have added a DUALCPU
    #ifdef around all portions of the code dealing with dualcpu.

2)  An ioctl to set the terminal into CBREAK mode was done directly,
    instead of using the curses crmode() call.  This causes the
    sgttyb structure for the terminal to get clobbered when MON finishes;
    including messing up the XTABS setting.  I changed it to use

3)  When MON exited normally, it exited with status 1.  I changed this to

Following are context diffs for 4 files: display.c mon.c mon.h and vm.c.
Feed these through Larry Wall's patch program, or install them by hand.

*** /tmp/,RCSt1020354	Wed Dec  5 11:16:54 1984
--- display.c	Wed Dec  5 10:29:15 1984
*** 37,42
          mvprintw(PROCY,LEFT,"Procs: r d p s sl  Mem: real  ract  virt  vact  free");
          mvprintw(DISKY,DISKX,"Disks: Kbps tps msps");
          mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT,"Cpu: ints  scall  csw");
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");

--- 37,43 -----
          mvprintw(PROCY,LEFT,"Procs: r d p s sl  Mem: real  ract  virt  vact  free");
          mvprintw(DISKY,DISKX,"Disks: Kbps tps msps");
          mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT,"Cpu: ints  scall  csw");
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 39,44
          mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT,"Cpu: ints  scall  csw");
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT+26,"Time2: user nice sys idle");

--- 40,46 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
+ #endif DUALCPU
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
*** 40,45
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT+26,"Time2: user nice sys idle");
          mvprintw(PAGEY,LEFT,"Paging: re  at pin pout  oprs  fr  def   sr");

--- 42,48 -----
  	        mvprintw(CPUY,LEFT+25,"Cpu2: csw");
  #endif DUALCPU
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT+26,"Time2: user nice sys idle");
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 42,47
          mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT,"Time: user nice sys idle");
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT+26,"Time2: user nice sys idle");
          mvprintw(PAGEY,LEFT,"Paging: re  at pin pout  oprs  fr  def   sr");
  	mvprintw(PAGEY+3,LEFT,"       nxf  xf  nzf  zf  nrf  rf  prf  swi swo");
          mvprintw(CHARY,CHARX,"Char: in   out");

--- 45,51 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(TIMEY,LEFT+26,"Time2: user nice sys idle");
+ #endif DUALCPU
          mvprintw(PAGEY,LEFT,"Paging: re  at pin pout  oprs  fr  def   sr");
  	mvprintw(PAGEY+3,LEFT,"       nxf  xf  nzf  zf  nrf  rf  prf  swi swo");
          mvprintw(CHARY,CHARX,"Char: in   out");
*** /tmp/,RCSt1020366	Wed Dec  5 11:17:05 1984
--- mon.c	Wed Dec  5 11:07:39 1984
*** 36,41
  	{ "_tk_nin" },
  	{ "_tk_nout" },
  	{ "_avenrun" },
  	{ "_cp2_time" },	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  	{ "_slavestart" },	/* Used to detect 2nd CPU */
  	{ 0 }

--- 36,42 -----
  	{ "_tk_nin" },
  	{ "_tk_nout" },
  	{ "_avenrun" },
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	{ "_cp2_time" },	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  	{ "_slavestart" },	/* Used to detect 2nd CPU */
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 38,43
  	{ "_avenrun" },
  	{ "_cp2_time" },	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  	{ "_slavestart" },	/* Used to detect 2nd CPU */
  	{ 0 }

--- 39,45 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  	{ "_cp2_time" },	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  	{ "_slavestart" },	/* Used to detect 2nd CPU */
+ #endif DUALCPU
  	{ 0 }
*** 74,79
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_HZ].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, &hz, sizeof hz);
  	dualcpu = 0;
  	if (namelist[X_SLAVESTART].n_type)

--- 76,82 -----
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_HZ].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, &hz, sizeof hz);
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	dualcpu = 0;
  	if (namelist[X_SLAVESTART].n_type)
*** 77,82
  	dualcpu = 0;
  	if (namelist[X_SLAVESTART].n_type)
   * monitor parameters forever

--- 80,86 -----
  	dualcpu = 0;
  	if (namelist[X_SLAVESTART].n_type)
+ #endif DUALCPU
   * monitor parameters forever
*** 96,108
  	signal(SIGINT, done);
  	signal(SIGQUIT, done);
- 	/* set CBREAK mode with no buffering on stdin */
- 	setbuf(stdin, 0);
- 	setbuf(stdout, obuf);
- 	ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &ttyb);
- 	ttyb.sg_flags |= CBREAK;
- 	ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCSETP, (char *)&ttyb);
  	tintv.tv_sec = intv;
  	tintv.tv_usec = 0;
  	initscr();	/* init curses package */

--- 100,105 -----
  	signal(SIGINT, done);
  	signal(SIGQUIT, done);
  	tintv.tv_sec = intv;
  	tintv.tv_usec = 0;
  	initscr();	/* init curses package */
*** 106,111
  	tintv.tv_sec = intv;
  	tintv.tv_usec = 0;
  	initscr();	/* init curses package */
  	nifinit();	/* get initial net interfaces data */
          dispinit();     /* initialize display */

--- 103,109 -----
  	tintv.tv_sec = intv;
  	tintv.tv_usec = 0;
  	initscr();	/* init curses package */
+ 	crmode();	/* set terminal into cbreak mode */
  	nifinit();	/* get initial net interfaces data */
          dispinit();     /* initialize display */
*** 138,147
- 	ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &ttyb);
- 	ttyb.sg_flags &= ~CBREAK;
- 	ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCSETP, (char *)&ttyb);
- 	mvprintw(23,0,"\n");

--- 136,141 -----
*** 143,147
  	ioctl(fileno(stdin), TIOCSETP, (char *)&ttyb);
! 	exit(1);

--- 137,142 -----
! 	endwin();
! 	exit(0);
*** /tmp/,RCSt1020371	Wed Dec  5 11:17:12 1984
--- mon.h	Wed Dec  5 10:47:29 1984
*** 32,37
  #define	X_TK_NIN	14
  #define	X_TK_NOUT	15
  #define	LOADAV		16
  #define X_CP_TIME2	17	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  #define	X_SLAVESTART	18	/* 2nd cpu existance test */

--- 32,38 -----
  #define	X_TK_NIN	14
  #define	X_TK_NOUT	15
  #define	LOADAV		16
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  #define X_CP_TIME2	17	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  #define	X_SLAVESTART	18	/* 2nd cpu existance test */
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 34,40
  #define	LOADAV		16
  #define X_CP_TIME2	17	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  #define	X_SLAVESTART	18	/* 2nd cpu existance test */
  extern struct nlist namelist[];
  int intv;			/* interval time */
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */

--- 35,41 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  #define X_CP_TIME2	17	/* 2nd CPU stats */
  #define	X_SLAVESTART	18	/* 2nd cpu existance test */
! #endif DUALCPU
  extern struct nlist namelist[];
  int intv;			/* interval time */
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */
*** 38,43
  extern struct nlist namelist[];
  int intv;			/* interval time */
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */
  int dualcpu;			/* flag to indicate dual CPU */
  int kmem, hz;
  int deficit;

--- 39,45 -----
  extern struct nlist namelist[];
  int intv;			/* interval time */
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  int dualcpu;			/* flag to indicate dual CPU */
  #endif DUALCPU
  int kmem, hz;
*** 39,44
  int intv;			/* interval time */
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */
  int dualcpu;			/* flag to indicate dual CPU */
  int kmem, hz;
  int deficit;
  double etime;

--- 41,47 -----
  int numif;			/* number of interfaces */
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  int dualcpu;			/* flag to indicate dual CPU */
+ #endif DUALCPU
  int kmem, hz;
  int deficit;
  double etime;
*** /tmp/,RCSt1020384	Wed Dec  5 11:17:23 1984
--- vm.c	Wed Dec  5 10:29:13 1984
*** 27,32
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, s.cp_time, sizeof s.cp_time);
  	/* Check for 2nd CPU stats */
  	if (dualcpu) {
  	        lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME2].n_value, 0);
  	        read(kmem, s.cp_time2, sizeof s.cp_time2);

--- 27,33 -----
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, s.cp_time, sizeof s.cp_time);
  	/* Check for 2nd CPU stats */
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu) {
  	        lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME2].n_value, 0);
  	        read(kmem, s.cp_time2, sizeof s.cp_time2);
*** 31,36
  	        lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME2].n_value, 0);
  	        read(kmem, s.cp_time2, sizeof s.cp_time2);
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_DK_XFER].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, s.dk_xfer, sizeof s.dk_xfer);
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_RATE].n_value, 0);

--- 32,38 -----
  	        lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_CP_TIME2].n_value, 0);
  	        read(kmem, s.cp_time2, sizeof s.cp_time2);
+ #endif DUALCPU
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_DK_XFER].n_value, 0);
          read(kmem, s.dk_xfer, sizeof s.dk_xfer);
          lseek(kmem, (long)namelist[X_RATE].n_value, 0);
*** 44,49
                  t = s.cp_time[i];
                  s.cp_time[i] -= s1.cp_time[i];
                  s1.cp_time[i] = t;
          	if (dualcpu) {
  	                t = s.cp_time2[i];
          	        s.cp_time2[i] -= s1.cp_time2[i];

--- 46,52 -----
                  t = s.cp_time[i];
                  s.cp_time[i] -= s1.cp_time[i];
                  s1.cp_time[i] = t;
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
          	if (dualcpu) {
  	                t = s.cp_time2[i];
          	        s.cp_time2[i] -= s1.cp_time2[i];
*** 49,54
          	        s.cp_time2[i] -= s1.cp_time2[i];
                  	s1.cp_time2[i] = t;
                  etime += s.cp_time[i];	/* interval must count 1 CPU only */
          if(etime == 0.)

--- 52,58 -----
          	        s.cp_time2[i] -= s1.cp_time2[i];
                  	s1.cp_time2[i] = t;
+ #endif DUALCPU
                  etime += s.cp_time[i];	/* interval must count 1 CPU only */
          if(etime == 0.)
*** 77,82
  	/* Display CPU info */
          mvprintw(CPUY+1,4,"%4d  %4d", (rate.v_intr) - hz, rate.v_syscall);
          mvprintw(CPUY+1,17,"%4d", rate.v_swtch);
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY+1,30,"%4d", rate.v_swtch2);

--- 81,87 -----
  	/* Display CPU info */
          mvprintw(CPUY+1,4,"%4d  %4d", (rate.v_intr) - hz, rate.v_syscall);
          mvprintw(CPUY+1,17,"%4d", rate.v_swtch);
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY+1,30,"%4d", rate.v_swtch2);
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 79,84
          mvprintw(CPUY+1,17,"%4d", rate.v_swtch);
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY+1,30,"%4d", rate.v_swtch2);
  	/* Display additional stuff */

--- 84,90 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
  	if (dualcpu)
  	        mvprintw(CPUY+1,30,"%4d", rate.v_swtch2);
+ #endif DUALCPU
  	/* Display additional stuff */
*** 112,117
          x = 6;
          for(i=0; i<CPUSTATES; i++){
                  mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time[i]/t);
          	if (dualcpu)
  	                mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x+27,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time2[i]/t2);
                  x += 5;

--- 118,124 -----
          x = 6;
          for(i=0; i<CPUSTATES; i++){
                  mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time[i]/t);
+ #ifdef DUALCPU
          	if (dualcpu)
  	                mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x+27,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time2[i]/t2);
  #endif DUALCPU
*** 114,119
                  mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time[i]/t);
          	if (dualcpu)
  	                mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x+27,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time2[i]/t2);
                  x += 5;

--- 121,127 -----
  #ifdef DUALCPU
          	if (dualcpu)
  	                mvprintw(TIMEY+1,x+27,"%3.0f", 100 * s.cp_time2[i]/t2);
+ #endif DUALCPU
                  x += 5;

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