Complete version of Nu program???

Jack Jansen jack at vu44.UUCP
Wed Nov 21 23:53:07 AEST 1984

I saved the 'nu' program a few weeks ago, but when I tried
to compile it yesterday, I discovered that only 900 of the
1900 lines arrived here.
Can someone please send me a copy? Or, preferably, send me
a note that you're willing to send me a copy, and I'll ask
one of the people replying. All I really want is one copy, not
	Jack Jansen, {seismo|philabs|decvax}!mcvax!vu44!jack
	or				       ...!vu44!htsa!jack
  "Only the great masters of style ever succeed in being obscure"
			Oscar Wilde, 1894.
  "Most unix(tm) programmers are great masters of style"
			Jack Jansen, 1984.

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