Rn bug patch #23 (REPOSTED)

Jonathan Biggar jonab at sdcrdcf.UUCP
Sat Nov 17 10:06:41 AEST 1984

System: rn version 4.1
Bug #: 23
Priority: LOW
Subject: "Approved:" line is not recognized by rn.
Index: head.h
Prereq: 4.1

	You can't say -happroved and hide the Approved: line.

	"rn -happroved mod.announce" and see if the Approved line shows
	up anyway.

Fix:	From rn, say "| patch -d DIR", where DIR is your rn source directory.
	Outside of rn, say "cd DIR; patch <thisarticle".  If you don't have
	the patch program, apply the following by hand, or get patch.

*** /tmp/,RCSt1000170	Fri Nov  9 12:15:56 1984
--- /tmp/,RCSt2000170	Fri Nov  9 12:15:59 1984
*** 1,4
! /* $Header: head.h,v 4.1 84/09/24 11:47:47 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	head.h,v $
   * Revision 4.1  84/09/24  11:47:47  lwall

--- 1,4 -----
! /* $Header: head.h,v 84/11/09 12:15:00 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	head.h,v $
   * Revision  84/11/09  12:15:00  lwall
*** 1,6
  /* $Header: head.h,v 4.1 84/09/24 11:47:47 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	head.h,v $
   * Revision 4.1  84/09/24  11:47:47  lwall
   * Real baseline.

--- 1,12 -----
  /* $Header: head.h,v 84/11/09 12:15:00 lwall Exp $
   * $Log:	head.h,v $
+  * Revision  84/11/09  12:15:00  lwall
+  * added Approved: line.
+  * 
+  * Revision  84/09/25  13:21:58  lwall
+  * Branch for sdcrdcf changes.
+  * 
   * Revision 4.1  84/09/24  11:47:47  lwall
   * Real baseline.
*** 22,50
  #define PAST_HEADER	0	/* body */
  #define SOME_LINE	1	/* unrecognized */
  #define ARTID_LINE	2	/* article-i.d. */
! #define DIST_LINE	3	/* distribution */
! #define DATE_LINE	4	/* date */
! #define RECEIVED_LINE	5	/* date-received */
! #define EXPIR_LINE	6	/* expires */
! #define FOLLOW_LINE	7	/* followup-to */
! #define FROM_LINE	8	/* from */
! #define KEYW_LINE	9	/* keywords */
! #define LINES_LINE	10	/* lines */
! #define MESSID_LINE	11	/* message-id */
! #define NFFR_LINE	12	/* nf-from */
! #define NFID_LINE	13	/* nf-id */
! #define NGS_LINE	14	/* newsgroups */
! #define ORG_LINE	15	/* organization */
! #define PATH_LINE	16	/* path */
! #define POSTED_LINE	17	/* posted */
! #define PVER_LINE	18	/* posting-version */
! #define REPLY_LINE	19	/* reply-to */
! #define REFS_LINE	20	/* references */
! #define RVER_LINE	21	/* relay-version */
! #define SENDER_LINE	22	/* sender */
! #define SUMRY_LINE	23	/* summary */
! #define SUBJ_LINE	24	/* subject */
! #define XREF_LINE	25	/* xref */
  #define HEAD_LAST	26	/* one more than the last one above */

--- 28,57 -----
  #define PAST_HEADER	0	/* body */
  #define SOME_LINE	1	/* unrecognized */
  #define ARTID_LINE	2	/* article-i.d. */
! #define APPR_LINE	3	/* approved */
! #define DIST_LINE	4	/* distribution */
! #define DATE_LINE	5	/* date */
! #define RECEIVED_LINE	6	/* date-received */
! #define EXPIR_LINE	7	/* expires */
! #define FOLLOW_LINE	8	/* followup-to */
! #define FROM_LINE	9	/* from */
! #define KEYW_LINE	10	/* keywords */
! #define LINES_LINE	11	/* lines */
! #define MESSID_LINE	12	/* message-id */
! #define NFFR_LINE	13	/* nf-from */
! #define NFID_LINE	14	/* nf-id */
! #define NGS_LINE	15	/* newsgroups */
! #define ORG_LINE	16	/* organization */
! #define PATH_LINE	17	/* path */
! #define POSTED_LINE	18	/* posted */
! #define PVER_LINE	19	/* posting-version */
! #define REPLY_LINE	20	/* reply-to */
! #define REFS_LINE	21	/* references */
! #define RVER_LINE	22	/* relay-version */
! #define SENDER_LINE	23	/* sender */
! #define SUMRY_LINE	24	/* summary */
! #define SUBJ_LINE	25	/* subject */
! #define XREF_LINE	26	/* xref */
  #define HEAD_LAST	27	/* one more than the last one above */
*** 46,52
  #define SUBJ_LINE	24	/* subject */
  #define XREF_LINE	25	/* xref */
! #define HEAD_LAST	26	/* one more than the last one above */
  struct headtype {
      char *ht_name;		/* header line identifier */

--- 53,59 -----
  #define SUBJ_LINE	25	/* subject */
  #define XREF_LINE	26	/* xref */
! #define HEAD_LAST	27	/* one more than the last one above */
  struct headtype {
      char *ht_name;		/* header line identifier */
*** 74,79
      {"BODY",		0,	0,	4,	0		},
      {"unrecognized",	0,	0,	12,	0		},
      {"article-i.d.",	0,	0,	12,	HT_HIDE		},
      {"distribution",	0,	0,	12,	0		},
      {"date",		0,	0,	4,	0		},
      {"date-received",	0,	0,	13,	0		},

--- 81,87 -----
      {"BODY",		0,	0,	4,	0		},
      {"unrecognized",	0,	0,	12,	0		},
      {"article-i.d.",	0,	0,	12,	HT_HIDE		},
+     {"approved",	0,	0,	8,	HT_HIDE		},
      {"distribution",	0,	0,	12,	0		},
      {"date",		0,	0,	4,	0		},
      {"date-received",	0,	0,	13,	0		},

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