Errors in references line

Charley Wingate mangoe at umcp-cs.UUCP
Thu Nov 22 08:18:58 AEST 1984

There are lots of articles running around now with erroneous "References:"
lines; the erroneous lines contain "<>" entries.  I suspect that most of 
these are a result of "rn" installations where the bug fixes have not
been installed.  If you have not installed RN Bug fix #1, you WILL generate
these erroneous lines every time you post a follow-up.

There are also truncated References lines running around.  Rather than worry
about buffer lengths, I would suggest chewing off some of the early
references to shorten the line when you edit the follow-up.  THose articles
are probably expired anyway.

Charley Wingate  umcp-cs!mangoe

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