Patch patch...

Brandon Allbery bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Wed Nov 28 09:47:45 AEST 1984

i have yet to get patch running.  it runs out of space
(or so malloc() says) as soon as it starts to read the
first hunk into memory.

any ideas what this might mean?

  Brandon Allbery @ North Coast Xenix  |!ucbvax!decvax!cwruecmp!
6504 Chestnut Road, Independence, Ohio |       {atvax!}ncoast!{tdi1!}bsa
   (216) 524-1416             \ 44131  | E1439 at CSUOHIO.BITNET (friend's acct.)
				       |    BALLBERY (161-7070) on MCI Mail
			     ``Kai Fedegon!'' :-}

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