help: bug in MSDOS kermit for PC

Mark Mendel mark at digi-g.UUCP
Fri Nov 2 06:21:13 AEST 1984

Apparently kermit is supposed to be compiled with IBM's MASM, not Micro-softs.
I have fixed the incompatablitiy that generates compile errors and it runs.
However, perhaps it is responsible for the problems I still have:

None of the `sub-process' commands work: DIR, RUN, etc.

I end up in a sub-COMMAND processor that complains `Ilegal COMMAND path' or
some such.  The environment is not being passed.  I have traced through
the bloody thing to the EXEC command.  And it looks IDENTICAL to calls that
work in some of my programs.

Does anyone have it working?  Does anyone have a version that compiles
with Microsoft MASAM and works?

					---Mark Mendel

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