optimized network paths for news 2.10.2

William L. Sebok wls at astrovax.UUCP
Thu Oct 25 02:06:49 AEST 1984

>>I have a smart mailer but don't trust it unless I can see
>>what it is doing.

> Stick to yesterday's computers that still have all those wonderful lights,
> displays and maybe loudspeakers that show you what it's doing....
> -- 
> 	Piet Beertema, CWI, Amsterdam
> 	...{decvax,philabs}!mcvax!piet

If one defines INTERNET in the news software even if one knows that the path
to the site it is going to use is wrong there is no way to overide it.  This
is my fundamental objection to the INTERNET option of news.

And yes I think that the removal of all lights from computers was a big
step backwards.
Bill Sebok			Princeton University, Astrophysics

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