Kermit for IBM-PC minor bug fix.

Mark Mendel mark at digi-g.UUCP
Sun Oct 21 04:06:37 AEST 1984

I discovered this bug in Heath. emulation in KERMIT for IBM-PC while using
vi on unix.  Vi now works just fine.  I have included a termcap for
kermit's emulator at the end of this article.

    A DELLIN command (^[M) on the last line of the window would scroll
    the status line into the window and place the cursor on the status line.

    A DELLIN on the last line should merely clear the line.

    -- In MSYIBM.ASM replace:

dellin1 mov	ch,dh			; start at current row
	xor	cl,cl			; column 0
	mov	dx,low_rgt
;	mov	dx,174fh		; to bottom of screen
	mov	ah,6h			; scroll up.
	mov	bh,curattr		; attribute
	int	screen

    -- with:

dellin1:xor	dl,dl			;Always start at first column.
	cmp	dh,byte ptr low_rgt+1
	jg	nodel			; ignor if past end of window.
	je	clreol			; clear line if AT end of window.
	mov	ch,dh			; start at current row
	xor	cl,cl			; column 0
	mov	dx,low_rgt
;	mov	dx,174fh		; to bottom of screen
	mov	ah,6h			; scroll up.
	mov	bh,curattr		; attribute
	int	screen
nodel:	ret

-- The termcap:

km|kermit|kerm|kermit heathkit emulation:\
	:bs:cd=\EJ:ce=\EK:cm=\EY%+ %+ :co#80:li#24:nd=\EC:\

					-- Mark Mendel
					-- ...ihnp4!umn-cs!digi-g!mark

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