new 'echo'

Steven Grady grady at ucbvax.ARPA
Tue Apr 16 08:08:12 AEST 1985

.TH ECHO 1 "15 April 1985"
echo \- echo arguments
.B echo
.B \-nqr
[ arg ] ...
.I Echo
writes its arguments separated by blanks and terminated by
a newline on the standard output.  If the flag
.B \-n
is used, no newline is added to the output.
If the flag
.B \-q
is used, the
.I echo
runs quietly (arguments are not echoed).
.B \-r
is used to echo arguments randomly.
.I Echo
is useful for producing diagnostics in
shell programs and for writing constant data on pipes.
To send diagnostics to the standard error file, do `echo ... 1>&2'.
.I Echo
with the 
.B \-q
.B \-r
option is not useful.

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