new 'echo'

David Messer dave at circadia.UUCP
Thu Apr 25 15:09:07 AEST 1985

> >	for(i=1; i<argc; i++) {
> >		if ((! qflg) && ((! rflg) || (rflg && (random()&08)))) {
> >			fputs(argv[i], stdout);
> >			if (i < argc-1)
> >				putchar(' ');
> >		}
> random()&08?  Is this some new kind of octal digit?

Yes!  The new standard for octal is:  00-17(8) == 00-15(10).  This
allows for a greater range of octal constants and is seen as a new
improvement to ADA.


Dave Messer   ...ihnp4!stolaf!umn-cs!circadia!dave

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