Zero length articles

Greg Noel greg at ncr-sd.UUCP
Tue Aug 27 06:54:32 AEST 1985

In article <170 at kitc.UUCP> ladm at kitc.UUCP (John Burgess) writes:
>We're running 2.10.2 news, and recently I've notices lots
>of article files with NOTHING IN THEM.  That's right, 0 byte files!
>  ...
>Got a fix for it?

I have seen it several times.  It is usually due to running out of
space on your news filesystem.  It's apparently a condition that's
not detected -- although I'm not sure what could be done to recover,
it would be nice to try and detect such things and not leave garbage
that confuses news readers and expire.
-- Greg Noel, NCR Rancho Bernardo    Greg at ncr-sd.UUCP or Greg at nosc.ARPA

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