SCAME patch no. 1 (reposting)

Leif Samuelsson leif at erisun.UUCP
Wed Feb 20 09:36:01 AEST 1985

System: scame 1.0
Patch #: 1
Priority: High for non-BSD users, otherwise low but recommended.

Description: This is an attempt to correct some of the most obvious
	     problems for users of System V and other non-Berkeley 
	     version of Unix.

Fix:	From news, say "| patch -d DIR", where DIR is your scame
	source directory.
	Outside of news, say "cd DIR; patch <thisarticle".
	If you don't have the patch program, apply the following
	by hand, or get patch.

Prereq: 1.0.0
*** 1.0/config.sample	Fri Feb 15 23:50:32 1985
--- config.sample	Mon Feb 18 00:31:55 1985
*** 1,6
  /*	SCAME config.h				*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.0  1985-02-09		*/
  /*	Copyright 1985 by Leif Samuelsson	*/

--- 1,6 -----
  /*	SCAME config.h				*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.1  1985-02-17		*/
  /*	Copyright 1985 by Leif Samuelsson	*/
*** 26,32
  #ifdef BSD42
  #  define BACKUPNAME "%s.BAK"
! #  define BACKUPNAME "%9s.BAK"
  /* Initial value for Mail Check Interval (0 means never) */

--- 26,32 -----
  #ifdef BSD42
  #  define BACKUPNAME "%s.BAK"
! #  define BACKUPNAME "%.9s.BAK"
  /* Initial value for Mail Check Interval (0 means never) */
Prereq: 1.0.0
*** 1.0/main.c	Fri Feb 15 23:50:18 1985
--- main.c	Mon Feb 18 00:37:37 1985
*** 1,6
  /*	SCAME main.c				*/
! /*	Version 1.0.0	1985-01-30		*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";

--- 1,6 -----
  /*	SCAME main.c				*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.1	1985-02-17		*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";
*** 161,167
    strcat(killbuffile, "k");
    sprintf(kbdmacfile, tempfile, ppid, uid);
    strcat(kbdmacfile, "m");
!   username = getenv("USER");
    sprintf(mailfile, "%s/%s", MAILDIR, username);

--- 161,171 -----
    strcat(killbuffile, "k");
    sprintf(kbdmacfile, tempfile, ppid, uid);
    strcat(kbdmacfile, "m");
! #ifdef BSD42
!    username = getenv("USER");
! #else
!    username = getenv("LOGNAME");
! #endif
    sprintf(mailfile, "%s/%s", MAILDIR, username);
Prereq: 1.0.0
*** 1.0/io.c	Fri Feb 15 23:51:19 1985
--- io.c	Mon Feb 18 00:09:20 1985
*** 1,6
  /*	SCAME io.c			*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.0  1985-02-09	*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";

--- 1,6 -----
  /*	SCAME io.c			*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.1  1985-02-17	*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";
*** 71,77
  	/* set tty raw mode */
  #ifdef S5
- 	/* stty -icrnl -onlcr -isig -icanon -echo eof  */
  	ioctl(0, TCGETA, &templ);
  	ttparms = templ;
  	ttparms.c_iflag &= ~ICRNL;

--- 71,76 -----
  	/* set tty raw mode */
  #ifdef S5
  	ioctl(0, TCGETA, &templ);
  	ttparms = templ;
  	ttparms.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | IXON);
*** 74,80
  	/* stty -icrnl -onlcr -isig -icanon -echo eof  */
  	ioctl(0, TCGETA, &templ);
  	ttparms = templ;
! 	ttparms.c_iflag &= ~ICRNL;
  	ttparms.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR;
  	ttparms.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG | ICANON | ECHO);
  	ttparms.c_cc[4] = 1;	/* When ICANON is off, EOF char value means */

--- 73,79 -----
  #ifdef S5
  	ioctl(0, TCGETA, &templ);
  	ttparms = templ;
! 	ttparms.c_iflag &= ~(ICRNL | IXON);
  	ttparms.c_oflag &= ~ONLCR;
  	ttparms.c_lflag &= ~(ISIG | ICANON | ECHO);
  	ttparms.c_cc[4] = 1;	/* When ICANON is off, EOF char value means */
*** 215,221
  	if (KE) tputs_x(KE);	/* Restores Keypad */
  	if (TE) tputs_x(TE);	/* exit CM mode */
  #ifdef S5
- 	/* stty icrnl icanon isig onlcr echo eof  */
  	ioctl(0, TCSETA, &templ);

--- 214,219 -----
  	if (KE) tputs_x(KE);	/* Restores Keypad */
  	if (TE) tputs_x(TE);	/* exit CM mode */
  #ifdef S5
  	ioctl(0, TCSETA, &templ);
Prereq: 1.0.0
*** 1.0/x_funcs.c	Fri Feb 15 23:50:22 1985
--- x_funcs.c	Mon Feb 18 00:10:30 1985
*** 1,6
  /*	SCAME x_funcs.c				*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.0  1985-02-09		*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";

--- 1,6 -----
  /*	SCAME x_funcs.c				*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.1  1985-02-17		*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";
*** 189,195
  #ifdef SORT
! 	pipe_through("/usr/bin/sort", NIL, NIL, NIL, buf, z);

--- 189,195 -----
  #ifdef SORT
! 	pipe_through(SORT, NIL, NIL, NIL, buf, z);
Prereq: 1.0.0
*** 1.0/scame-reaper.c	Fri Feb 15 23:51:40 1985
--- scame-reaper.c	Fri Feb 15 20:33:03 1985
*** 1,6
  /*	SCAME scame-reaper.c		*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.0  1985-02-09	*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";

--- 1,6 -----
  /*	SCAME scame-reaper.c		*/
! /*	Revision 1.0.1  1985-02-15	*/
  static char *cpyrid = "@(#)Copyright (C) 1985 by Leif Samuelsson";
*** 45,50
  	if ((f = popen("ps -ax", "r")) == NULL)
  		fatal("Can't do ps");
  	i = 0;

--- 45,53 -----
+ #ifdef S5
+ 	if ((f = popen("ps -el", "r")) == NULL)
+ #else
  	if ((f = popen("ps -ax", "r")) == NULL)
  		fatal("Can't do ps");
*** 46,51
  	if ((f = popen("ps -ax", "r")) == NULL)
  		fatal("Can't do ps");
  	i = 0;
  	fscanf(f, "%*[^\n]");

--- 49,55 -----
  	if ((f = popen("ps -el", "r")) == NULL)
  	if ((f = popen("ps -ax", "r")) == NULL)
+ #endif
  		fatal("Can't do ps");
  	i = 0;
  	fscanf(f, "%*[^\n]");

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