DPY and LIFE changes

David I. Bell dbell at daisy.UUCP
Wed Feb 27 06:43:09 AEST 1985

First, a bug fix for LIFE.  If your line kill character is an at-sign ('@'),
then saved life objects will not be correctly read back in.  You can avoid
this problem by changing your kill character, or else by editing the life
object files and inserting a control-V character just before each '@' sign.
I do not yet have a long-term solution for this problem.

Also, I have received many requests for the DPY sources used for LIFE.
I am going to post a new version of DPY within the next week which is (more)
portable and which has several bug fixes.  This new version will necessitate
a couple of trivial changes to the LIFE sources, and also to any programs
that you might have written to use DPY.  The DPY changes are:

1.	Dpy will work for both BSD and USG versions of UNIX.

2.	The arguments to dpyinit will be system-independent, by using
	a string argument to set the terminal modes.  Example:
		dpyinit(NULL, "-e c");
	will turn off echoing and turn on character mode input.

3.	Dpyclearline and dpyclearwindow will be renamed to dpyclrline
	and dpyclrwindow.  This avoids problems with compilers which have
	an 8 character limit on variable names.

4.	Dpy will work on terminals which need NULL characters for padding.

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