uuhosts that works with January 1984 mod.map.uucp postings

John Quarterman jsq at ut-sally.UUCP
Fri Feb 8 02:58:40 AEST 1985

> 	Uuhosts worked very well with the data in mod.map.uucp but I
> 	found one misfeature in the way it interacted with certain
> 	site's information.  Any information after the first blank line
> 	in a site description was not presented to the user in inquiry
> 	mode.

I've fixed this in the version posted a few days ago to net.sources,
Message-ID: <844 at ut-sally.UUCP>, using the same idea as your code,
but a slightly different approach.

> 	I also couldn't help adding a 'paging' mode for those site
> 	description that overflow a screen.  This feature is also
> 	helpful if the user requests information on multiple sites,
> 	ala 'uuhosts ittvax wxlvax'.

This I've not done, since there are so many different varieties of
paging methods out there.  A long time ago, uuhosts used to have screen
paging.  I've gotten many fewer complaints since it hasn't.

The new version also includes ideas from several other people.  I don't
mention their names, however, because what I've done with their ideas
doesn't look much like their original code, as I've condensed several
things together.  Uuhosts now is much easier to install, all of the
pathnames that are likely to be different on different systems are
now parameterized in the Makefile, and the man entry, as well as the
sources, is parameterized.

John Quarterman, CS Dept., University of Texas, Austin, Texas 78712 USA
jsq at ut-sally.ARPA, jsq at ut-sally.UUCP, {ihnp4,seismo,ctvax}!ut-sally!jsq

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