Fix of sccstorcs failure on 'rmdel'd sccs files

Stanley Friesen friesen at psivax.UUCP
Fri Feb 15 05:23:26 AEST 1985

The distributed version of "sccstorcs" bombs on sccs files with rmdel'd
revisions, the following simple modification will take care of *most*
such cases.
------------------------------CUT HERE--------------------------------
*** sccstorcs.c.old	Thu Feb 14 11:16:28 1985
--- sccstorcs.c	Thu Feb 14 11:15:42 1985
*** 283,288
      for (; delta; delta = delta -> next)
  	 * Get the SCCS file.
  	sprintf (command, "%s -p -r%s %s > %s",

--- 283,296 -----
      for (; delta; delta = delta -> next)
+ 	 * Code to handle (some) rmdel situations
+ 	 * If a series of "deltas" in the sccs file have the same revision
+ 	 * take ONLY the last one
+ 	 */
+ 	while(delta->next && !strcmp(delta->next->revision, delta->revision))
+ 	    delta = delta->next;
+ 	/*
  	 * Get the SCCS file.
  	sprintf (command, "%s -p -r%s %s > %s",

				Sarima (Stanley Friesen)


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