WARNING about Decus cpp on 68000

Brandon Allbery bsa at ncoast.UUCP
Wed Jan 16 07:47:59 AEST 1985

I'm glad this was reposted; it will let me use "shortc" to compile HACK
(it's been long enough, for goodness' sake!).  But I have one warning
about it:  the prefefined tokens show that SYS_68000 is a Unix system,
but other partc of cpp don't realize that, so I had problems with the
include file handler and it trying to load fgetname().  I am looking for
all the spots to change, but I can't post a context diff to the net, so
all I can do is warn you.

The lines to change are of the form:


and the change is obvious.

   Brandon Allbery @ decvax!cwruecmp!ncoast!bsa (..ncoast!tdi1!bsa business)
6504 Chestnut Road, Independence, Ohio 44131  +1 216 524 1416 (or what have you)
     Who said you had to be (a) a poor programmer or (b) a security hazard
			       to be a hacker?

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