Severe bug in Menunix

Chris Lewis nishri at utcs.UUCP
Thu Jan 31 09:29:09 AEST 1985

Bug in menunix, file utility.c, function "xopen" is missing a return value.
Function should look like:

xopen (name, mode) char *name, *mode;
	FILE	*ioptr = fopen (name, mode);
	if (ioptr == NULL)
		fprintf (stderr, "Can't open %s\n", name);
		exit (1);
	return(ioptr);	/* missing from distributed version */

This fixes the core dump problem mentioned previously - the originator's
compiler just happened to leave "ioptr" in the return register - really
lucky... We're running on a Pyramid which does not do this.  Sure wish people
would run lint on what they post!

UUCP: utcs!mnetor!clewis

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